(Together we ... )
Eunjoo Hong Hyungjae Kim
Eunjoo Hong delikit@gmail.com @repetitivelyrepeat
Hyungjae Kim personak@gmail.com @hk_of_ehhk
#303, 101–27, Euljiro 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04542
Project Dukhoo: Finding Flow
313 Art Project
Presentation/Representation: Photography from Germany
Donghyun Son 2005–2016
Yeessookyung: Selected Essays & Works
Be Colorful!
Expanding City Incheon (2nd edn)
Kids Zone
Timeline of Art History
Gana Art 2017
Art Week 2016: Results Book
MMCA Seoul Digital Library & Archive
Constructive Dialogue
Academic Presentation on the Origin of Tiger Mask: In Relation to Kim Kichan's Photographs
Academic Presentation on the Orgin of Tiger Mask: In Relation to Kim Kichan's Photographs